where to find me





And my neocities profile if for some reason you can't access it :)


You can call me David (or whatever you'd like). My gender is male, I use he/him.

I like to spend my time talking to others, drawing, writing (prose & poetry), animating, doing crafts, messing with my neocities, cooking, and being terrified of my own mortality. I would LOVE to make a video game someday, but I lack the coding skills necessary.

I'm an extrovert with social anxiety, meaning I'd love to talk to you, but I'm anxious doing so. Feel free to DM me! My discord is doesdaviddo and my insta DMs should be open.

things I've done/are doing


trying to write a digital diary, but let me keep it real, I'm gonna be venting a lot there. Nothing too graphic or anything, but if you don't want to hear about my problems, then it is not for you.